About BNHA

The general nature and objectives of the Badlands Natural History Association are to assist in the scientific, educational, historical and interpretive activities of the National Park Service.   The association cooperates with the National Park Service in the following activities:

  • Sponsor, prepare, publish, and sell books, pamphlets, folders, maps, or other printed materials
  • Handle, buy and sell such government and private publication illustrative materials, goods and merchandise as may be approved by the superintendent
  • Acquire material or equipment suitable for use in scientific, museum or interpretive work of Badlands National Park
  • Assist in the development and maintenance of the Badlands National Park library
  • Assist in the preservation of documents important to Badlands National Park, in the gathering and preservation of scientific information and in furthering the aims of the interpretive program
  • Assist in the acquisition of non-federal lands within Badlands National Park, as specific program funds are available from earnings and gifts
  • Promote programs of research in Badlands National Park
  • Assist financially and otherwise in the establishment of similar cooperation societies in other areas administered by the National Park Service, U.S. Forest Service or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Badlands Natural History Association gratefully accepts contributions to further the goals of the National Park Service. Your contributions are deductible to the extent provided by current Internal Revenue Service regulations.

Mission Statement

The purpose of the Association is to promote historical, natural history, scientific, educational, and interpretive activities within the National Park Service and other similar agencies, principally in the Northern Plains states of the United States. The scope of these cooperative activities will be carried out as prescribed by current agreements with the National Park Service, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service or other agencies the association may enter into agreements with.

The general nature of the associations’ involvement will be to cooperate through the following major activities:

  1. Publish and make available to visitors, by sale or free distribution, pamphlets, books, maps, visual aids, and other theme-related material.
  2. Acquire material, objects or equipment for use in scientific museums, or interpretive purposes at Badlands National Park and other areas as covered by cooperating agreements with the Association.
  3. Assist in the development and maintenance of the Badlands National Park Library and other such libraries as covered by agreements with the Association.
  4. Assist in the acquisition, trade or protection of lands needed to preserve important features, scenic, scientific, or environmental conditions within Badlands National Park or other federal areas where the association operates under agreements.
  5. Promote programs of research, conservation, development, and interpretation of the parks for the benefit of the public.
  6. Sponsor and support volunteer services programs within the Badlands National Park, which enhances the interpretive capabilities made available to the visiting public.
  7. Assist financially and otherwise in the establishment, continuance of similar cooperating associations in other areas administered by the National Park Service and other federal land management agencies.
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