Passport To Your National Parks

Item #: 9159920290006
Availability: In Stock
This handy, spiral bound, 6" x 3" travelogue fits conveniently into a pocket or backpack for easy reference. The 104 page guidebook makes it easy to learn about and explore all of our national park sites. The passport includes maps color-coded for specific regions in the country, previsit information, illustrations and photographs. It also includes a free map and guide to the national parks. Spaces in each region are designated for you to collect rubber stamp cancellations at each national park site you visit. The cancellations, similar to those received in an international passport, record the name of the park and the date you visited. Make your Passport book complete by including the annual commemorative stamp series. The series includes nine regional stamps and one national stamp on one sheet. Simply detach the stamps and place them in the designated areas in your booklet.
Total: $13.99
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